1/31/2020 Mo’ Mojo
FRIDAY, January 31, 2020
Mo’ Mojo is a hard driving, high energy, “Party-Gras” Band.
The female fronted group features
three/four-part harmonies, accordion, twin guitars, rubboard,
sax, trumpet, harp, bass, percussion, and drums.
(And on occasion – fiddle!)
Songs are sung in English and French.
Mo’ Mojo takes Zydeco music and infuses it with
Americana, Cajun, reggae, rock & roll, funk, R&B, and African and Latin rhythms.
TK Club
521 E. Hector St., Conshohocken, PA
$20, $10 with valid student ID
Dance Lesson: 7:30 PM
No partners necessary • Live music & dance: 8:30 PM